Friday, December 15, 2006

Warm 'n' DVDeasy

Bristol has always been the first city of bass. You can trace B-Town's natural obsession with the sublow back to the soundsystem parties that kickstarted The Wild Bunch, Three Stripe Records and all the musical goodness that coalesced into early Massive Attack (and of course way back into it's slave-trading past). Then came Krust, Roni Size, Full Cycle, Flynn and Flora and speaker-busting parties on the Thekla. For years now, drum 'n' bass has run things out west, but that's all changing: the newest incarnation of Bristol Bass is obvious in the city's vibrant, musically innovative and super-tight dubstep scene. As well as throwing out talented producers like Pinch, the scene has birthed the first dubstep documentary, Living Inside The Speaker. It's an energetic round-up of the scene, featuring interviews with Pinch (check anything on his Tectonic label), Bristol lynchpins and keen hedonists H.E.N.C.H and a night-lit, in-club interview with Londoners Chef and Skream who, thanks to the lo-fi lighting arrangement, look green. As well as providing another opportunity to check Pinch's awesome Qawwali it's a neat street-up insight into what's quaking Britain's bassbins.

Like they say on Rinse, this one's a wobbler.

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